Play to harness creativity
We are guided by the curriculum set out in the Early Years Learning Framework [EYLF]. The children acquire literacy and numeracy skills through our M.A.T.H.S. program:
M: Music and Mathematics
A: the Arts
T: Technology
H: Human society - languages and cultures
S: Science, Sports and Sustainability
Children will experience a continuum of development from early literacy and numeracy to concrete language and number skills across the 4 levels of learning in Growing Maestros:
Level 1: Baby Maestros
Level 2: Aspiring Maestros
Level 3: Apprentice Maestros
Level 4: Honorary Maestros
Immersion in French, Indonesian, Chinese offered to all children according to each family's interest.
Special programs offered as part of the school readiness curriculum:
1. Economics - we plan our lessons based on "Kiddynomics : An Economics Curriculum for Young
2. The ELLA program for languages, an Australian government initiated program for young children's languages development.
3. The SAFE protective behaviours program developed by the Office of Children's Guardian.
More information on these programs can be found at:
1. https://www.stlouisfed.org/
3. https://www.ocg.nsw.gov.au/
Additional resources for parents:
1. The plants exchange corner: take home or bring a plant to add to your green collection!
2. A book and toy/puzzles exchange corner for the whole family to enjoy.
3. Morning tea group for "Mothers going back to study". Please contact Anna on 0492 807 894 for meeting time.
Our unique music classes has been specifically designed by Anna to develop enjoyment of classical music in young children. The comprehensive 3 years program has been running for many years at the Appassionato Music Academy in Hurstville of which Anna is also the school principal. The pedagogical approach of this special music program for toddlers and preschoolers has been trialled and tested on numerous enthusiatic budding musicians, including Anna's own children!
The class content is organised around the principles of the Orff, Kodaly, Dalcroze and Suzuki method. Children are immersed in the diverse aspects of classical and traditional music by engaging in solfeggio (ear training through do-re-mi singing) activities, piano playing and appreciation of composers from various historical period.
There is a precise sequence of progression through the levels, and the educators will provide help with daily piano practice while children are in the centre.
The levels are structured as follow:
Baby Maestros (0-2 y.o.): This is the introductory level to the 3 year program, with a 'music and movement' focus, by the end of which toddlers responds to music with expression of enjoyment.
Aspiring Maestros (18 m - 3,5 y.o): toddlers learn to sing various pitch and rhythm, and they practise fine motor skill in preparation for piano playing. By the end of this level they are able to recognise notes and counting by ear and are able to position hands and fingers in the correct posture at the piano.
Apprentice Maestros (3 - 5 y.o.): Preschoolers continue to refine their solfeggio skills and fingerwork through more complex musical games and activities. They will start to recognise symbols of music writing. By the end of this level they are able to play a full short song hands separately at the piano.
Honorary Maestros (4-6 y.o.): Children develop their piano skills further while being introduced to formal music notations. Children will gradually transfer to individual piano or violin lessons according to their progress. By the end of this level children are able to play simple piano pieces completely either one hand or two hands.
For more of our school readiness program, please read through the next page.